Outdoor Leadership Training Program

Registration for the Fall 2025 / Spring 2026 OLTP Cohort will open in August. Complete this interest form for more information or to hold your spot.

What is the Outdoor Leadership Training Program?

Students develop high-level leadership skills through this course by taking a two-semester training; fall semester LA205 Foundations of Outdoor Leadership (2 credits) and spring semester LA210 Applications of Outdoor Leadership (2 credits). This course progression (called OLTP) serves as valuable professional development for leadership skills, facilitation skills, and outdoor skills. Students who complete the full course may be eligible to work as a trip leader for Outdoor Programs!

OLTP covers a wide variety of technical, interpersonal, and group management topics relevant to any future career, and includes field experiences to create a well-rounded environment for experiential learning. Many of our students have never done anything like this before- complete beginners and outdoor novices are encouraged to take the course!

Quick Facts

  • Students who are interested in completing OLTP will enroll in a fall semester course (LA205) and a spring semester course (LA210). While it is possible to take LA210 in a non-consecutive year, it’s preferred and recommended that students participate in the full training program throughout the course of a single year.
  • LA205 and LA210 meet weekly on Thursdays from 5:15 pm – 7:15 pm, in-person at the Sherrill Center/Student Recreation Center
  • In addition to the weekly meeting times, 3 weekend/break field-experiences are a required part of the training course. The field experiences include a national certification for Wilderness First Aid/CPR, technical skills trainings in activities such as rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, and backpacking, and practical leadership experience.
  • There is a course fee of $650 associated with the training program to cover the cost of the field experiences and certifications. Students may pay in one lump sum at the beginning of the fall semester or can participate in a payment plan over the course of the year.
  • Specific details, including field experience dates and total cost of the program vary by year. Typically the field experience schedule is:
    • Canoe Camping: First weekend of September
    • Backpacking: Fall Break
    • Whitewater Kayaking & Rock Climbing: Spring Break
    • Advanced Kayaking & Climbing Clinic: First weekend of April
  • The course requires permission of the instructor to register. Students who complete the full OLTP will be eligible to work with Outdoor Programs during their time at UNCA as a trip leader; leading outdoor and adventure-based programs during evenings, weekends, and even our highly sought-after extended break trips.

To register for the program or for more questions

  • Email: rstuart1@unca.edu
  • Call: (828) 251-6368
  • Stop by in-person: SRC 203 or SRC 204