Outdoor Leadership Training Program (OLTP)

Outdoor Leadership Training Program

The purpose of the Outdoor Leadership Training Program (OLTP) is to empower students to choose their own path in becoming a leader and developing their outdoor leadership skills. This is a two semester program beginning every Fall that incorporates classroom and field experiences to create a well rounded environment for experiential learning and personal growth. Two credits are received for each semester (LA 205 each Fall and LA 210 each Spring) and the course fills at 20 students.

Campus Recreation provides the experiential learning opportunities, and you provide the passion and drive to step out of your comfort zone and grow in your leadership development, outdoor skill abilities, have some fun and meet your peers who have similar interests! OLTP provides classroom and field-based education that will open doors for you to practice and develop your own competencies in becoming a well-rounded, entry-level outdoor trip leader and instructor. Additionally, participation in OLTP an excellent pathway to get the experience needed to be hired as a Campus Recreation Outdoor Programs trip leader.

All experience levels are welcome in OLTP, from true beginners to camping or backpacking, to experienced paddlers and climbers. Outdoor Programs provides all camping and sport equipment, food, transportation, and instruction from a team of certified and experienced faculty and staff. Highlights of the Fall LA 205 course include a one-night camping trip in September and a backpacking trip over Fall Break. Spring LA 205 course includes introduction to whitewater kayaking and rock climbing over Spring Break, and an advanced sport clinic in April. This program also provides CPR and WFA training and certification. The course fee paid to Campus Recreation Outdoor Programs helps cover these expenses at cost, is not profit-driven, and therefore is incredibly affordable for our UNC Asheville students and is not open to the public.

OLTP Information Sessions – 

  • April 18, 2022 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in SRC 205
  • April 22, 2022 from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. in SRC 205
  • June 2022 Virtually TBD
  • August 2022 TBD
  • August 2022 TBD

These sessions will provide an opportunity to learn more about the year-long program, how to register and get involved, and a chance to ask any questions that you may have about the program. OLTP class enrollment is permission of instructor and attending an info session or meeting with the instructor will be required before joining.

Fall 2022 OLTP, LA 205 Registration opens in April 2022
Attend an info session and complete this interest form to stay connected to important OLTP news and updates. The course fee for OLTP 2022-23 will be announce by the April Info Sessions. OLTP LA courses are instructor add only.

This class meets every Thursday from 5:15 to 7:15 p.m.

Interested to know more? Complete the OLTP Fall 2022 Interest Form. For additional questions, please contact recreation@unca.edu